Tag: United States
Op-Eds & Guest Contributors
The world will plunge into chaos if we don’t tax windfall profits
Over half the world’s population lives under authoritarian regimes, and movements that clearly call individual and public freedoms into question and foster xenophobia persist at the ballot box.
Ethiopia’s peace deal is critical for Africa on many levels
Ethiopia is one of the few countries in Africa with the food production potential to help meet the shortfall in the continent’s imports of cereal crops from Ukraine.
Op-Eds & Guest Contributors
Election deniers and defenders poised for next phase in voting wars
There is little doubt that pro-Trump Republicans are going to challenge voters and contest results that they do not like in 2022’s general election....
Invasion of Ukraine
How to win the Ukrainian War in just a few easy steps
Not easy steps at all, but with just about every title on the internet being made up of clickbait exaggeration, I don't see why...
Op-Eds & Guest Contributors
We need a real debate about the Ukraine War
It’s time to challenge the orthodox view on the war in Ukraine.
As Russia’s illegal and brutal assault enters its fifth month, the impact on...
Economy & Business
Pressed by sanctions, Russia narrowly escapes default
While the global sanctions campaign against Russia is not yet a month old, investors and sanctioneers held their breath this week as Russia struggled...
Invasion of Ukraine
As the global sanctions net tightens, weak spots emerge
After the second phase of heavy western economic sanctions on Russia was announced in the final days of February, new coordination mechanisms are being...
US to extend social distancing guidelines to April 30
U.S. President Donald Trump will extend federal social distancing guidelines until at least April 30 after latest progressions from White House advisors showed that...
EU's top diplomat in Washington for talks on transatlantic relations
EU's High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Josep Borrell will travel for the first time after assuming his new post, to Washington on...
Greece ratifies new defence deal with Washington
Late on January 30, the Greek parliament voted to ratify Greece’s new defence agreement signed with the US last October during the visit of...
Kosovo is Our Masada and Jerusalem
With the culture of remembrance, we fight against the revision of history. This is the instrument of “soft diplomacy” – reliable facts which advise...
UN face off over Kosovo army vote
The Kosovo Parliament’s December 14 vote to formally create a military structure triggered the almost-automatic UN Security Council (UNSC) face off December 17 in...
Trump’s White House proclaims new (and maybe negotiable) tariffs to take effect in 15 days
US President Donald J. Trump signed a tariff proclamation March 8 at the White House, including a series of carefully-crafted exemptions for NAFTA partners...
Greece-Macedonia/FYROM Name Talks appear to lose the strong momentum seen at the start of 2018
While 2018 opened on a positive note with both Athens and Skopje making hopeful statements and gestures around the New Year pointing to the...
Searching for meaning in Greek PM Tsipras’ planned Washington visit
Since the announcement of a White House meeting for Greek PM Alexis Tsipras last July, issued by the Office of Vice President Pence, observers...
Macedonia name dispute: Are the stars aligning for a new U.S. push?
In the shadow of the failed Cyprus talks, another critical regional issue for Greece and the Western Balkans is apparently coming back into sharp...
US Vice President Pence reaches out to Greek PM Tsipras after Cyprus talks collapse
In a clear attempt to minimize the regional political fallout from the failed Cyprus talks, U.S. Vice President Michael Pence called Greek Prime Minister...
Concordia's Europe Summit inaugurated in Athens
The inaugural Concordia Europe Summit ran June 6-7 in Athens. Launching the star-studded event, Concordia’s founders, Nicholas Logothetis and Matthew Swift, said Greece...
Go West (Again)! Digital Policy Minister Nikos Pappas visits Trump’s Washington
Greece’s Syriza-ANEL (Independent Greeks) coalition government simply won’t back off from its efforts to expand contacts with the Trump Administration, with the third minister...
For March 25th at least, Greece comes in from the cold to meet the Trump Administration
For the traditional White House celebration of Greek Independence Day (March 25), everything has always been beautiful, regardless of which party currently holds the...
Brief encounters of the first kind: Top U.S. and Greek diplomats meet
U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson met with Greek Foreign Minister Nikos Kotzias in Washington March 13, just hours before Tillerson planned to depart...
Will Trump’s budget proposals eviscerate America’s smart power?
Since the Trump Administration’s first budget blueprint was circulated at the end of February, Washington has been abuzz with rumors about where massive budget...
Pump up the volume: Where is Secretary of State Tillerson’s department anyway?
The relative silence from the State Department over the first month of the Trump Administration has led some to an eerie conclusion that Secretary...
Tillerson’s arrival at the State Department calms the waters, for now
The arrival of Secretary of State Rex Tillerson at the State Department February 1 (he was sworn in the night before) seems to have...
Greek Ministers attend event linked to Trump inauguration hoping to project message of respectability
At first glance one reads that tile and thinks, “So what’s new, that’s all the Greek political class ever does when invited abroad, there’s...
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