
Tag: Donbass

Neutral but not neutered: Ireland’s security needs to be nurtured

The Irish people have been a beacon of light against darkness, hatred and genocide. But Ireland needs to do more to contribute to the dismantling of autocracies, the self-determination of peoples still shackled by remnant empires and the emancipation and empowerment of all underprivileged people. 

Pentagon’s reported change on targeting could result in a more costly, earlier defeat for Moscow

The idea that a country which Russians have been told could never put up effective resistance is actually winning, dragging their country into a grim battle of attrition, will do more to make Russian people doubt their leadership than any inhumane rocket attack against their cities.

Urgent UN action is required for Ukraine

Many struggle to understand world powers’ refusal to enforce a No-Fly-Zone (NFZ), at least on the western rest of Ukraine not (yet) occupied by...

No room for war lies: Even in Putin’s propaganda war, one must side with the victims

In complete violation of international law and modern ethical norms, Russia's autocratic ruler, Vladimir Putin, has waged an unprovoked war of aggression on Ukraine...

No impunity for Putin’s flagrant aggression

It turned out worse than most Western politicians and military experts had expected. In the morning hours of February 24, the Armed Forces of...

Ukraine is the big loser in the new Cold War between Russia and the West

The above is without question a provocative headline. The main question, however, is 'why draw such a negative conclusion from the current geopolitical confrontation...

Check the Czechs

With the Czech Republic having the dubious honor of hosting the latest chapter in the ongoing saga of the West versus Vladimir Putin's Russia...

The Trying Game: Why extreme caution is needed in Northern Ireland

I doubt that any of those who predicted resurgent violence in Northern Ireland is taking pleasure in being proved exactly correct as riots, fighting,...

Ukraine is a test for the West and ‘Westlessness’

The G7 foreign ministers of Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, The United Kingdom and the United States, as well as the High Representative of...

EU's Foreign Policy chief wants to visit Donbas, Ukraine's war zone.

Josep Borrell, EU's High Representative for Foreign and Security Policy said on Tuesday during a press conference held in Brussels with Oleksiy Honcharuk, Ukraine's...

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