Czech Republic
Energy crisis prompts SMEs to boost renewables, energy savings
The energy crisis, high prices and threat of supply disruption following Russia’s war against Ukraine has prompted many small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) to...
Czech Republic
The priorities of the Czech Presidency
Leaders of the European Union decided by unanimity to grant Ukraine and Moldova EU candidacy status ahead of the Czech EU presidency. Marking a...
EU invests over €110 million in environment and climate protection in 11 member states
The European Commission announced on February 17 an investment of over €110 million into LIFE program integrated projects for environmental and climate protection, selected...
Czech Republic
Czech Republic pledges to exit coal by 2033
The new government of the Czech Republic published its program on January 7 announcing it will exit coal by 2033. It’s the 22nd European country...
EBRD facilitates renewable energy investment in Central and Eastern Europe
The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) is supporting the transition of Photon Energy NV (Photon Energy), a renewable energy developer and independent...
The power of investigative journalism
In February 2018, a young Slovak investigative journalist named Jan Kuciak and his girlfriend, Martina Kusnirova, were brutally murdered in their home in Velka...
Interview with Abdullah Muteb Alrasheed, Saudi Arabia’s ambassador to the Czech Republic
Abdullah Muteb Alrasheed is the Ambassador of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to the Czech Republic. Alrasheed studied at several prominent universities, including political...
The Czech Republic’s economy in 2021
As everyone knows, the Czech Republic has undergone serious economic and political changes since the breakup of the Soviet Union and the collapse of...
Enough of the Durban depravity
This month marks the 20th anniversary of the so-called “World Conference Against Racism”, otherwise known as Durban I. The 2001 conference was to be...
Learning from COVID to tackle the tobacco epidemic
For the better part of two years, the attention of policymakers and health experts across Europe and North America has been focused on the...
Is the EU learning any lessons from the pandemic?
The European Union - a powerful force for good or a self-serving bureaucratic oligarchy? Whatever your view, the EU is certainly a catalyst for...
EU to counter cyber threats
Europe needs to be the driving force in securing infrastructure of core services against hybrid attacks, including ransomware, and work with NATO to build...
If Europe is serious about fighting antisemitism, it must skip Durban 20
Countries are lining up to declare they will not attend the20th anniversary of the UN’s notorious 2001 World Conference Against Racism, held in Durban,...
Making sense of the Italy-UAE rift
Earlier this month the United Arab Emirates (UAE) ordered the withdrawal of all Italian aircraft and personnel from its Al Minhad Air Force Base...
EU climate policy to boost energy security
PRAGUE – The day before the EU Commission presented its ‘Fit for 55’ package proposals in Brussels, the Czech Republic’s Deputy Foreign Minister for...
Tougher sanctions against Belarus
It was a clear act of state-sponsored terrorism. An Irish passenger plane from the Irish budget airline Ryan Air, while on its way from...
Is EU Enlargement on hold yet again?
As Portugal’s EU presidency is reaching its final month, additional pressure is expected on Bulgaria to press it to resolve its ongoing dispute with...
Ukraine’s chances to join NATO are slim to none, despite Zelensky’s claims
The Russian-Ukrainian conflict was once again back in the headlines in April when people across the world followed massive troop build-ups in and around...
It’s hard to make friends but easy to lose them: A tale of Russia’s self-inflicted isolation
In recent years Estonia did its best to develop an engaging and pragmatic approach towards Russia. In April 2019, President Kersti Kaljulaid visited Moscow,...
In Afghanistan the Allies invested in the US’ security
After nearly twenty years of engagement in Afghanistan, the United States has now set in motion the process of pulling out all its forces...
The soft power of big business in a former Soviet republic
The increasing isolation of Belarus president Alexander Lukashenko’s regime on the international stage raises important questions about the future of the country’s economy. As...
Check the Czechs
With the Czech Republic having the dubious honor of hosting the latest chapter in the ongoing saga of the West versus Vladimir Putin's Russia...
Czech Republic
Is Central Europe waking up from its pan-Slavic Russian fantasy?
The shocking revelation that agents of Russia's GRU military intelligence were involved in a 2014 explosion at an arms depot in the Czech city...
Troubled anniversary
The Visegrad 4 of Slovakia, the Czech Republic, Hungary, and Poland has been a tremendous success. Together we joined the EU and NATO bringing...
Germany partially closes borders with the Czech Republic, Austria over Coronavirus variant
Germany partially closed its borders with the Czech Republic and Austria’s Tyrol on Sunday, reinstating temporary entry bans and border controls over growing fears for...
Czech Republic mulls Sputnik V to make up for vaccine shortage
The Czech Republic is considering the acquisition of the Russia-developed vaccine for Coronavirus, namely Sputnik V, in a bid to respond to delivery delays...
Could Albania begin EU Enlargement talks soon?
While no decisions on EU Enlargement emerged from the European Council and Euro Summit meetings of December 10-11, the issue blocking further progress pertains...
EU energy future wants to wean off China’s raw materials
The European Union is as dependent on Asian countries, especially China, when it comes to batteries and raw materials for technologies of the future...
Prague asks for more time to respond to EU audit of PM Babis
The Czech government has asked the EU Commission for more time to send its response to an audit of conflict of interest allegations against...
Czech Republic sends masks to Italy after Chinese shipment seized by mistake
The Czech Republic is due to send 110,000 masks to Italy after a Chinese shipment of medical equipment heading to Italy to help tackle...
Czech Republic declares 30-day state of emergency over Coronavirus
Czech Prime Minister Andrej Babiš declared a 30-day state of emergency in the country and closed the borders to 13 countries, to stem spread...
Thousands rally in protest against Czech PM Babis
Several thousand people protested in Prague on Sunday against the Czech Republic's billionaire PM Andrej Babis and the way his government handles public institutions....
EU eyes hydrogen for zero emissions energy
ATHENS – The Commitment of the new European Commission to a clean energy transition that includes an important role for hydrogen is very clear,...
Prague mayor cuts ties with Beijing
The mayor of Prague, Zdenek Hrib, has warned Western societies to be aware of the Chinese Communist Party’s influence across the globe.
Last month, the...
Don’t slow the flow: EU wants no snag in Russian gas via Ukraine
As Nord Stream-2 builders are planning to finish the gas pipeline from Russia to Germany underneath the Baltic Sea by the end of the...
Nord Stream 2 gas project strives to fill EU’s import gap
DUSSELDORF – Ukraine can still be a transit gas country to Europe even after the Nord Stream 2 pipeline from Russia to Germany is...
Merkel’s new coalition likely won’t sideline Nord Stream-2
Despite the outcome of the hard political negotiations to form a coalition government following the re-election of Germany’s Angela Merkel to a fourth-term in...
Gazprom and the European Commission: What’s next?
After lengthy negotiations, the European Commission and Russian gas monopoly Gazprom have agreed on a list of commitments, which the Commission expects will most...
Low on coal, high in carbon, Czech Republic sees nuclear answer
MOSCOW – Nuclear energy is important for the Czech Republic’s energy security and reducing CO2 emissions, Deputy Industry Minister Pavel Solc told New Europe....