Thursday, July 25, 2024


NATO Summit: “Trump-proofing” Ukraine support while Biden appearances under a microscope

The July 9-11 NATO Summit was originally envisioned as a celebration of the alliance’s 75th anniversary at the organization’s founding venue in Washington D.C.,...

Tackling new threats to critical energy infrastructure

The explosions that targeted the Nord Stream pipelines from Russia to Germany in September 2022 and the suspected sabotage of Baltic-connector pipeline, which supplies...

Wider Middle East regional conflict must be avoided

In a moment of growing tensions in the Middle East, NE Global sat down for an interview about the Iran-Israel crisis with Giuseppe Manna,...

With Sweden now a NATO member, what’s next?

Sweden completed the necessary diplomatic formalities on March 7, depositing its instrument of accession with the U.S. State Department in Washington, which manages the...

Ukraine, Middle East will dominate Cameron’s UK foreign policy agenda

David Cameron, who was made Foreign Secretary in a surprise move by Prime Minister Rishi Sunak during his cabinet reshuffle on November 13, is...

Serb boycotts, protests trigger new unrest in Kosovo

The latest cycle of unrest in Kosovo, a direct result of Serbian interference in Kosovo’s April 23 municipal elections, exploded into violence on May...

Finland joins NATO

Before the Russian Federation invaded Ukraine, only a third of Finns supported joining NATO. Russia’s war, however, led to almost unanimous overnight support amongst Finnish voters for membership in the alliance.

When it comes to defense, the politicians must listen to those who know best – the generals

The halls of power are walked by people who know little, care even less and yet have the right to supersede and ignore the advice of those who know better.

Providing Ukraine with advanced Western fighters is a logical step towards battlefield success

While Ukraine may have weathered the storm of Russia’s initial onslaught and retaliated with a force and determination largely thought to have been beyond...

Putin threatens global security with renewed nuclear saber rattling

Putin's maniacal compulsion to start a nuclear war is not just a sinister ultimatum to world peace, it is simply mad.

Neutral but not neutered: Ireland’s security needs to be nurtured

The Irish people have been a beacon of light against darkness, hatred and genocide. But Ireland needs to do more to contribute to the dismantling of autocracies, the self-determination of peoples still shackled by remnant empires and the emancipation and empowerment of all underprivileged people. 

Poland is going its own way

The leader of Poland's ruling Law and Justice party, Jaroslaw Kaczynski, continues to attack Germany, the main focus of his ire in Europe. Kaczynski...

Italy sees close cooperation with NATO as key to Europe’s strategic defense

Europe needs to avoid, at all costs, any form of decoupling between EU defense cooperation and the transatlantic alliance.

Will ‘no-fly’ zones fly over Ukraine

During a recent news conference, British Prime Minister Boris Johnson was confronted with a plea for establishing a ‘no-fly zone’ This suggestion was quickly dissected...

Why it’s time to take the Russian-led military alliance seriously

The Russian-led military alliance, the Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO), created headlines in January 2022 after 2,500 of its troops entered Kazakhstan to assist in restoring...

Conflict in Ukraine and Kosovo are connected

Vladimir Putin claims that protecting ethnic Russians justifies military action against Ukraine. Putin’s concern for Ukraine’s Russian minority is bombastic. His greater global goal...

The Korean Peninsula should remain a security concern

With both South Korea and the United States focused on domestic matters – 2022 presidential race and 2022 midterm elections respectively, it will be...

Why China cannot invade Taiwan

China’s recent aerial incursion in Taiwan air defense zone and President Xi Jinping’s confrontational remarks re-prompted a debate on whether or not Beijing is...

Is Lukashenko setting a new trap for Europe?

One can hardly imagine the misery of the refugees at the border between Poland, Lithuania and Belarus. Thousands of people from Iraq, Syria and...

Following election flop, Zaev announces resignation plans

North Macedonia’s Prime Minister Zoran Zaev announced his planned resignation on November 1 after his social-democratic party massively lost the second round of municipal...

International courts are more vital than ever to protect human rights

There’s a disturbing trend sweeping Europe, as policymakers and judicial authorities alike attempt to skirt the authority of transnational courts. First, in keeping with...

New political patterns in the South Caucasus

Developments in the South Caucasus continue to race ahead of Europe’s understanding of them. By the time an event has been noticed, recognized, digested,...

A dash of UK Hubris: Containing China

Hubris is a fickle emotion. Too much of it can be deadly, while too little of it can be crushing. A country with a...

In US foreign policy, realists are finally on the rise

During the autumn of 2020, the United States lost one of its most brilliant, incisive, yet unheralded thinkers in Sherle R. Schwenninger.One of Schwenninger’s...

Greece again agrees to expand US defense cooperation

Greek Foreign Minister Nikos Dendias traveled to Washington October 13-14 to participate in a scheduled session of the US-Greece Strategic Dialogue, where he met...

The need for trilateral cooperation in the Indo-Pacific

A coercive China and a nuclear North Korea are peripherally affecting the U.S.’ security interests in the Indo-Pacific.  With increasingly well-developed power derived from...

Defense pacts and energy in the Eastern Mediterranean

The Greeks have finally come to the realization that despite a period of relative calmness Turkey is not about to abandon its assertive behavior...

Athens rocked by Biden’s nomination of political operative

After an extended period of uncertainty over who would be tapped, on October 8 US President Joe Biden announced his intention to nominate influential...

The West needs to unite to fight for human rights

Human rights seem nonexistent in today’s world. That’s because the world’s democracies are not fighting for it. While the world’s dictatorships always seem to have...

Why the Taliban’s promise to stop the opium trade rings hollow

One of the first announcements the Taliban made after seizing power in Afghanistan in August was that they were going to “ban the production and sale...

The road to conflict resolution in Karabakh

Events are moving quite quickly in the South Caucasus, although they have not yet reached a breakthrough. Nevertheless, the first anniversary of the outbreak...

AUKUS: A French ‘beurre noisette’ in the Indo-Pacific

Any fan of French haute gastronomy understands the prominent role that noisette beurre, or burnt butter, plays in their recipes. As the speciality adds...

Kosovo-Serbia tensions fading after deal reached

The slow-motion crisis between Kosovo and Serbia over automobile license plates that began with little notice on September 20 escalated into a tense show...

Why the fall of Afghanistan sllows Iran to expand its influence

Since 2020, the United States has been working to withdraw its troops from Afghanistan. The Americans' announcement emboldened the Taliban, who recently took control...

Canada’s election and its meaning for Ukraine

Though it is hard to say, the recent election in Canada was a waste of money. After the expenditure of over $600 million (CDN),...

Germany and its neo-imperial quest in Bosnia

When rumors first began to swirl in January about the possible appointment of Christian Schmidt as Europe's High Representative to Bosnia and Herzegovina, I...

With the AUKUS pact, the US has opted to snub some of its European partners

In the nearly nine months since he took office, it has become apparent that the US and European Union will not immediately experience a...

Will Central Asia serve as Europe’s bridge to Afghanistan?

Just over one month on from the fall of Kabul, Europe is still grasping for answers to the question of how to engage in...

On 9/11, it’s time for a reckoning and reflection of decades of failed US national security policy

A reckoning with America’s failed national security policy is long overdue.Our calamitous misadventures in the Middle East and the global financial collapse of 2008...

What next after 20 years of war in Afghanistan? Anatol Lieven on the U.S.’ legacy and the Taliban’s rise

On August 30, 2021, a C-17 transport plane took off from Hamid Karzai International Airport in Kabul, Afghanistan, signaling the end of America’s longest war....

Europe willingly forfeited a leadership role in Afghanistan

If Winston Churchill were alive today, I imagine he might have said something like “Never in the history of human conflict have so few...

Afghanistan 2021: An extremist ‘stammtisch’

Everybody has a favorite bar or coffee house. A place you can go to seek solace or connect with old friends. In some cases,...

Are Turkish investors falling for Hamas’ games?

Recent reports have revealed the extent of investments and assets controlled by Hamas, the Palestinian terror group, within Turkey. Hamas has long maintained a strong...

How Erdogan will “manage” the Afghan refugee crisis

Images of Afghan refugees scrambling to escape Kabul following the Taliban’s seizure of power will haunt the international community for decades. According to the...

Mikheil Saakashvili – The post-Soviet space’s once and future buffoon

It isn't every day you find yourself talking to a major figure of recent history, especially not one who has staged both a successful...

An EU diplomatic ‘bâdgir’ in Vienna: The Iran nuclear deal 2.0

When things get hot, you look to cool them down. Persian culture is too familiar with heat with scorching Middle East temperatures. One of...

The EU’s plans for stabilizing Libya via democratic elections alone are set to fail

The European Union has for years invested its diplomatic efforts, as well as millions of Euros, into bringing a sense of security to Libya,...

An Afghan coda

Very rarely, if ever, do I ever write in the first person when offering an opinion or analysis of either a current or past...

The EU is nothing but a feckless spectator in the unfolding Afghan crisis

The surprising speed by which the Taliban seized control, with relative ease, of the whole of Afghanistan is a major geopolitical debacle for the...

A monster miracle from a cave

In the history of sport, there have been many unforgettable victories. True testaments of teams achieving the unthinkable. The 1980 Winter Olympics men’s hockey...

Must read