Central Asia’s promising renewable energy projects, including Uzbekistan’s clean energy ambition and reaching its climate action goals to reduce greenhouse gas emissions (GHGs) and dependency on fossil fuels will be the focus of a leading energy conference later this month.
The high-level international investment conference Energy Week Central Asia & Mongolia 2021 (https://camoenergyweek.com/) will take place on a virtual event platform on April 27-29 bringing together the authorities, project operators of Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, and Mongolia, as well as IFIs/DFIs, multinational energy companies.
The main objective of the event is to facilitate cooperation with international companies and financial institutions to attract foreign investment and advanced technologies to foster the deployment of projects in the field of hydropower, solar and wind energy, hydrogen energy, as well as energy storage systems.
The conference will highlight promising construction projects, current and planned tenders, reforms, support schemes and financing of renewable energy, supply chain sustainability after the pandemic and other pressing issues.
The list of speakers and guests include Senior Investment Officer, Renewable Energy Department, FMO; Senior Investment Specialist, ADB; Principal Banker, EBRD; Head of Department of Perspective Development and Capital Construction, Electric Stations (Kyrgyzstan); CEO, Sainshand Salkhin Park; Director, National Renewable Energy Centre (Mongolia); Deputy Chairman of the Board, Thermal Power Plants (Uzbekistan); Head of Strategic Development and Standardization Department, National Electric Grid of Uzbekistan; Head of the Tariffs, Pricing and Market Department, Energy Regulatory Commission of Mongolia; Deputy General Director, Chakan HPP and CEO, SolarTech.