Uzbekistan’s Energy Ministry said on August 10 a significant share of power generation is to be assigned to solar and wind renewable power sources.
“We at the Ministry of Energy are working hard to increase the efficiency of existing infrastructure and constantly looking for opportunities to ensure the uninterrupted supply of electricity both to the population and the country’s growing and diversifying industries,” Uzbekistan’s Energy Minister Alisher Sultanov said. “Recent tenders showed some previously hidden potential in the renewables sector, and we are confident that exploiting this potential will be successful,” he added.
The ministry issued an update on the activity in the power sector of the Central Asian country. Further to the adopted “Concept note for ensuring electricity supply in Uzbekistan 2020-2030” published in 2020, the Ministry of Energy is progressing its plans for power capacity development in Uzbekistan.
Uzbekistan’s Energy Ministry, in cooperation with the Ministry of Investments and Foreign Trade, the PPP Development Agency, WB, IFC, ADB and EBRD, has signed 16 PPAs with various international private power producers to build PV, wind, gas engine and CCGT power plants.
Despite the COVID-related economic slowdown of 2020, the demand for power continued to grow and the Energy Ministry said it has decided to reconsider its initial 2030 power capacity targets by increasing the share of renewables in the energy mix of Uzbekistan. Low tariffs, obtained through the competitive process in the latest PV tenders have brought optimism to the Ministry of Energy on the cost structure of ultimate tariffs for businesses and households. Thus, the PV solar plant capacity may be increased from the current forecast of 5 GW to 7 GW and wind power generation from 3 GW to 5 GW.
According to Uzbekistan’s Ministry, the updated ‘Concept note’ document is expected to be published early next year.